The Chromosome 18 Registry & Research Society
How to build healthy relationships with coach Jaclyn Hunt!

Coach Interview Series #1: Jaclyn Hunt
I was interviewed by Brandon from Life Coach Path. It was very nice to be considered for this series and I look forward to reading more...

Life Coaching Consultation Video
We are a group of coaches specially trained to teach real life skills, social skills, communication skills, independent living and...

The Importance of Academics vs. Social Skills
I believe that school systems have made a great deal of progress in how they work with students on the ASD spectrum over the last decade....

Life Coaching for Adults on the ASD Spectrum - ***UPDATE 2018***
It has been a while since my last blog post. In that time ASN Life Coach, LLC has exploded with more clients than I can handle on my own...

Defining High Functioning and Low Functioning Autism: A Perspective
Every day I get contacted by parents and individuals on the Autism Spectrum that frequently identify themselves as having “High Functioning

Eye Contact for those on the Autism Spectrum
Eye Contact for those on the Autism Spectrum Jaclyn Hunt, MA, CAS Recently, a parent of an adult client of mine expressed concern that...

Life Coaching for Adults with Autism
A special Power Point Presentation.

Life Coaching for all those affected by Autism

Life Coaching for Parents of Children and Adults with Autism